All-inclusive fertility treatment management software

Design for fertility treatment clinics all over the world

About Babe ART

Babe ART is a database management system for fertility treatment clinics. Our software relates patients, treatment, laboratory data and outcomes together. Babe is developed and supported by European and Finnish fertility specialists since 1996.

Support a large amount of data with auto backup function

Secure and protect data by GDPR regulation

Customisable based on your needs

Integrated Modules

We focus on developing tools that support the clinic daily operations, simplify the documentation process, and increase staff productivity. Babe software is presented in a practical modular system, making it easy to integrate and navigate between modules. Following are some main modules:

Registry management

registry icon

Laboratory management

laboratory icon

Fertility treatments management

fertility treatment icon

Embryology module


Donor module


Other clinic management features

other clinic management

Customizable, international solution

Babe Manager, the homepage where users can be directed to different modules of Babe, allows addition or activation of needed modules. Clinics are free to customise images, logo, and contacts. The decision is in your hands!

15+ clinics

Many clinics are happy with our product.
Will you be our next?

4+ countries

Our customers are currently based in Finland, Estonia, Portugal, and Greece. We are aiming to expand further in the upcoming years.

Our work has a happy ending

Get in touch today!

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Trafore Oy
Arkadiankatu 7, 00100 Helsinki

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Invoicing and IT Specialist


Software Owner